The fear of going to the dentist is real, in fact about 75% of Americans feel anxiety when going to the dentist, which can be crippling. This can compromise the quality of treatments and even lead to missed appointments. IV sedation helps manage this fear, ensuring the visit is comfortable and pain free!

Safety should always be a priority for both the dentist and patient. Like any type of sedation, there are guidelines set forth by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

IV sedation affects the central nervous system (and therefore consciousness), it is required to have trained personnel to monitor breathing and vital signs.

The medications in the IV takes into effect very quickly because of the intravenous nature. You will feel very relaxed and drowsy. Since your blood pressure may drop a little and breathing slow, you will need a qualified third party medical professional to monitor your vitals and breathing.

Health News explains the IV sedation in dentistry:

This form of moderate, conscious sedation is given through an intravenous line. Benzodiazepines, like Versed or Diprivan, are commonly used. It is quick acting, but you do not go to sleep fully. You are still semi-conscious of what is happening around you. The dentist can adjust the level of sedation throughout the procedure by increasing or decreasing the flow of medication.

Because you are still semi-conscious, you should not need assistance with breathing. Your vital signs will be monitored throughout the procedure. You should feel very little to no pain during the procedure, however, you will have no memory of the procedure. You will be drowsy for several hours after your procedure is completed. Therefore, you will need someone available to drive you from the dental office and ideally help care for you until the sedation effects are gone. You should plan to rest for 24 hours after your appointment to recover

To help adults and children get the oral health care they need, Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates brings hospital level sedation to your dentist’s office. We partner with dentist throughout New Hampshire, Main, Vermont, and Massatusets to provide safe in office sedation to eliminate pain, fear, and anxiety.