Dental anxiety if very real, there a numerous reasons why adults and children feel anxious and nervous about visiting the dentist. Here at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we go to your dental office to make your dental procedures more comfortable and relaxing. Your oral health is to important too your overall health to let fear or anxiety keep you from going to the dentist.

What causes dental anxiety

There are many reasons why a child or adult has dental anxiety. It could have been a previous unpleasant experience, the sounds and sounds can be overwhelming, or it could be difficult to sit still for an extended period of time.

Unfortunately, lack of professional dental care can result in major health problems. For those who suffer from dental anxiety, there is an answer, sedation dentistry.

IV sedation has become more widely used in the last couple of years due to the many benefits. Knowing you won’t feel any pain or remember much about the appointment significantly reduces the anxiety about going to the dentist. Not only does it reduce stress, you can have many procedures done at one time, whether it’s a cleaning, filling, extraction, and a root canal, it means you won’t have to go back for another appointment.

What Is A Nurse Anesthetist?

According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetist (AANA), “a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) takes care of patients before, during and after surgical or obstetrical procedures. Nurse anesthetists stay with their patients for the entire procedure, constantly monitoring every important body function and individually modifying the anesthetic to ensure maximum safety and comfort.”

Who is a good candidate for IV sedation for dentistry

Those with disabilities or special needs
Children or adults who cannot sit for a long period of time
If you have very sensitive teeth or a bad gag reflex
Need many dental procedures done at one time
Those with anxiety or a phobia about going to the dentist

Don’t Assume All Safety Measures Are In Place

Having a CRNA administer the IV sedation and monitoring your vitals, will allow the dentist to focus 100 percent of his/her attention on working on your teeth. Children tend to be at a higher risk of complications during IV sedation, than adults.

It can be compared to texting and driving, there is a higher risk of an accident.  The same goes for a dentist who is also administering IV sedation, it is impossible to fully focus on both at the same time. By the time there is a sign of trouble, it may be late to avoid disaster.