Everyone knows how important it is to keep up with dental cleanings and exams. Catching any issues early before they become bigger problems and maintaining optimal oral health issues, is easier said than done.

Sadly, many of us put off going to the dentist due to anxiety or a previous past experience. There are plenty of reasons why we do just about anything to get out of going to the dentist.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

You avoid going to the dentist because of a past bad experience

Anxiety and stress keep you from going to sleep the night before your dental appointment.

Your strong gag reflex makes it almost impossible to have dental procedures

The sounds and smells of the dental office amplify your anxiety.

The dental treatments you need are invasive or complicated procedures that will take a long time.

It is very difficult to sit still for long periods of time.

You have a fear or phobia of needles.

You or your child is afraid of going to the dentist

If any of these sound familiar, IV sedation can help you get the oral health care you need.

If you dread going to the dentist, IV sedation may be right for you

Just imagine having a stress-free dental appointment. You will feel relaxed and comfortable during the entire procedure. IV sedation can also help you overcome the fear and anxiety of going to the dentist.

The dentist will be able to concentrate on the procedure, ensuring quality work, in a less amount of time. You can even have several treatments done in one appointment.

Oral health impacts the overall well being of both adults and children. The condition of your teeth and gums can impact your digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and even the reproductive systems. Serious health problems can be reduced by maintaining good oral health.

As a leader in the industry, Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates goes to your dentist office to administer hospital level sedation to help children and adults overcome the fear of the dental. With locations throughout the state of New Hampshire, including the cities of Barrington, Dover, Concord, Amherst, our highest priority is reducing anxiety and ensuring safe dental care.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates.