IV sedation for dentistry has been a game changer for so many adults and children, allowing them to get the oral health care they need. Whether you or a loved one has avoided having essential dental procedures because of fear and anxiety, a disability, mobility issues or physical limitations, IV sedation is the solution.

Whether you need a cleaning, filling, extraction, and a root canal, it can all be done in one appointment! Just imagine, in the blink of an eye, all your dental work is complete.

“Anesthesia continues to play an important role in dental practices today as we all strive to provide humane, compassionate treatment to our patients. In addition, the number of patients who need anesthesia seems to be on the rise, such as patients with dental phobias and the inability to cooperate due, for example, to severe autism or developmental delay.” California Dental Association.

Studies show there are many reasons why both adults and children have not seen a dentist in the last 12 months. From the anticipation of pain, embarrassment, feelings of helplessness, negative past experience, complications from a disability, and dental phobia.

Symptoms of Dental Phobia Include

The night before your dental visit, you feel tense and can’t sleep because you feel anxious for the upcoming appointment.

While at the dentist, you begin to have trouble breathing or even start to panic when instruments are placed in your mouth.

While in the waiting room you are extremely nervous.

You feel like crying or physically ill thinking of the dental visit.

IV Sedation Can Help

Sedation dentistry is sometimes called conscious sedation density or IV sedation dentistry. This intravenous nature means you will be fully relaxed throughout your dental treatment. Patients will have little to any memory of the procedures or the pain and discomfort.

Contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates for more information.