Why should you consider IV sedation dentistry? Do you get that anxious, nervous feeling just thinking about having a dental procedure done? Do you avoid going to the dentist because the sights and sounds make you feel uneasy? Or maybe you had a past traumatic dental experience.

Why Consider IV Sedation for Your Next Dental Appointment

With IV sedation your dentist will able to get many procedures done in one appointment. The dentist will also be able to work more efficiently, because they won’t have to worry about making you uncomfortable. Which also means you won’t have to keep going back to the dentist for follow up appointments.

Basically, you can experience what feels like sleep through the procedures. While you won’t actually be asleep, you won’t remember the sounds, sights, or much of anything else about the appointment.

Are you scared of those big needles the dentist uses or have trouble staying numb?  With sedation dentistry you won’t have to worry about needles, which can drastically improve your experience.

Do you get anxiety about going to the dentist? Anxiety and stress can take a toll on your body. Stress can all be eliminated with sedation dentistry.

Do you have trouble sitting still or keeping your mouth open for an extended period of time? Many people have a difficult time sitting in a dental chair, especially if going to be a while.

Do you have a gag reflex? Or does your loved one have a disability?  It can be especially difficult for Down’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s, or autism patients to sit through dental procedures.

IV sedation for dentistry is safe for all ages. Dental health is important for a great smile, it also impacts your overall well being. The condition of your teeth and gums can impact your digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and even reproductive systems. Serious health problems can be reduced by maintaining good oral health.

As a leader in the industry, Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates helps children and adults overcome the fear of dental procedures. With locations throughout the state of New Hampshire, including the cities of Barrington, Dover, Concord, Amherst, we also serve Vermont and Massachusetts. Our highest priority is reducing anxiety and ensuring safe dental care.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates.