Do you get fearful or anxious about a dental procedure? Wish you could relax and feel comfortable in the dental chair? And best yet, hours will pass by like mere minutes, so that dental treatments can be performed. When you are relaxed, your dentist will be able to perform his work more efficiently because he can focus all his attention on the procedure at hand.
What words come to mind when you think of the dentist?
When you are anxious and afraid, your pain threshold becomes much lower. It is easy to become hypersensitive to the littlest noise, prick and sensation. These feelings of anxiety and fear trigger chemicals to be released like, adrenaline, which puts your “fight or flight” instincts on alert.
Subconsciously you anticipate the pain when you sit in the dentist chair.
So, you tense your muscles and your anxiety is heightened. The brain proceeds feelings intense fear, intense worry, even panic to the point it is almost paralyzing.
The Solution: Let Your Anxiety Just Melts Away
IV sedation can give you peace of mind and the confidence to experience the dentist in a whole new way. A variety of sedative medications have been specially developed just for this purpose. They have been rigorously tested and researched, with a very long safety record. They also have an “amnesic” property, which means you will remember very little, if anything, of the appointment.
Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates
Sedation dentistry allows all the treatments you need, whether it’s a cleaning, filling, extraction, and a root canal, it can all be done in one appointment! It is definitely worth it, just imagine waking up from a relaxing nap and all your dental work is complete.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to change dentist. The team at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates will go to your dentist to perform the sedation.