IV sedation is transforming the dentistry industry! It is enabling those that have fear and anxiety about going to the dentist, to have an easy, stress, and pain free dental appointment. IV sedation is safe, the medication is administered into your hand or arm.

The level of sedation is closely monitored by a third party Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. As well as, all the patient’s vitals signs. While under sedation, the patient may feel very sleepy or drowsy, but will be able to respond to questions.

When your dental appointment with IV sedation is over, and you are ready to go home, you will need a family member or a friend to drive you home. For the rest of the day you should rest, relax, and avoid strenuous activity for the day

Benefits of Dental IV Sedation 

You won’t feel any anxiety or pain associated with low pain tolerance, or sensitive gums and teeth.

When receiving IV sedation, you will have very little, if any memory of the procedure.

Feeling very relaxed and even sleepy during the appointment. Most people feel the procedure only took a few minutes, when it really took hours.

A great option if you have a strong gag reflex, you won’t feel uncomfortable at all.

Levels of sedation and vital signs are closely monitored and controlled by a trained professional, ensuring your specific needs are being met. This also allows the dentist to have their undivided attention on your procedure

IV sedation has been proven to be an extremely safe option for dentistry.

Just imagine, being very relaxed, calm, and no pain during your next dentist appointment.

It is very important to take care of your oral health, but we understand how difficult it can be if you have anxiety, a disability, a child who is scared of the dentist, or a previous dental experience that wasn’t so good. IV sedation can help you get back on track.

If you feel you or a loved one could benefit from sedation dentistry, we encourage you to contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates and schedule an appointment.

We go to your dentist office, which means you won’t have to change dentist.