Dental anxiety is very common. Typically it is caused by a previous painful or bad experience at the dentist. It could be the sights, smells, and sounds in the dental office that makes you avoid it. Or you’re not able to sit still for an extended period of time or a very strong gag relax that makes dental treatments unbearable.

A common way to make your next dental appointment more pleasant with IV dental sedation. Here are a few ways sedation will help you get through your dental procedures without pain or anxiety.

It makes the appointment go by faster 

One of the top benefits of IV sedation dentistry is because it will make the appointment go by faster. This is especially helpful if you have longer or multiple procedures. IV sedation will make you feel very relaxed, it will feel like you are asleep, which is why it seems like time flies by, but you will be able to answer any questions. This also allows the dentist to focus on the procedure, knowing you aren’t in any pain and won’t need a break

You won’t mind going to the dentist 

IV sedation can change your perspective on going to the dentist. Once you realize how pleasant and comfortable a dentist appointment can be with IV sedation, you won’t go back. After you have a couple of appointments with IV sedation, you might feel comfortable enough not to need it anymore. If you dread going to the dentist, IV sedation changes it into a positive experience.

Have several treatments completed in one appointment 

IV sedation allows you to have multiple treatments completed in one sitting. Which means you won’t have to schedule several appointments. This will end up saving you time and money, not to mention the dread of sitting in the dental chair.

Check back with us next week for more ways sedation dentistry can help you at your next dental appointment. Until then, contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates for more information.