Dental anxiety and the thought of the pain, the sound of the drill, and smells, can be overwhelming. Which is why so many adults and children avoid going to the dentist at all cost. The advances in dentistry and modern technology, painless dentistry can make your appointment painless and easy;

IV sedation is suitable for most adults and children. Dentist recommends IV sedation for patients  with:

Extreme dental anxiety

Adults and children who need long or several procedures

Extreme sensitivity of teeth

A strong gag reflex

Cognitive or behavior special needs

The IV Sedation Process

Undergoing sedation

Whenever someone goes under sedation, it needs to be taken seriously, especially children. That’s why the American Dental Association recommends all IV sedation should be performed by a third party Nurse anesthesiologist.

The Nurse Anesthesiologist will put an IV in your hand, where the medication is intravenously administered into your bloodstream. The sedation takes into effect very quickly and you will feel very relaxed, in a semi-aware state. You won’t feel any pain from the procedure.

Adjusting the sedation

The Nurse Anesthesiologist will monitor you during and after the appointment. They will make any adjustments in the medication if needed. You will be able to breath on your own and answer any questions the dentist ask. All your vital signs and breathing will be monitored by the Nurse Anesthesiologist.


The Nurse Anesthesiologist will stay with you during recovery. By then, you will feel like just a few minutes have passed by, even if the dental procedures took hours.

After the Appointment

Upon waking from your relaxed dreamlike state you will have no recollection of your dental procedure and minimal to no discomfort.  In about 30 minutes, it will be time for you to go home. Someone else will have to drive you.  You will be given written discharge instruction. For the rest of the day you should rest and drink lots of fluid.

You can expect a follow-up phone call later that day from the nurse anesthetist that provided your sedation to answer any questions, make sure the sedation was to your satisfaction, and that you are recovering well.

Contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates for more information about IV sedation for your next trip to the dentist.