Many New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine residences, both adults and children, don’t go to the dentist as often as they should. It could be for a variety of reasons, special needs, a disability, traumatic childhood experience, not able to sit still for long periods of time, gag reflex, or maybe it is just the sound of the drill that just makes it unbearable. Don’t worry, there is a solution.

How does IV sedation work?

IV sedation is administered through a small needle inserted into the vein in your arm or hand. While you are not totally asleep, you are unaware of any treatments being done. You enter a state of unawareness, you won’t remember much, if any of the procedure. You will be calm and comfortable through the entire visit. Before you know it, your teeth will look amazing for that next picture.

To ensure the process goes smoothly, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, who is highly trained in IV sedation will be there to ensure the proper amount of medication is administered, and to monitor your heart rate and vital signs.

This way the dentist will be able to focus solely on the treatment, not having to divide their attention means a higher level of safety and quality.

What Can you expect?

While you won’t fall totally asleep, you won’t be fully conscious either. You won’t realize what is going on, but will be able to respond to verbal questions and commands.

How do you know if sedation dentistry right for you?

If you have a difficult time getting or staying numb

Have very sensitive teeth

If anxiety has kept you from getting the dental treatment you need

You need extensive or complex dental procedures

Had a traumatic experience in the dental chair

Have special needs or not able to sit for an extended period of time.

Another benefit of sedation dentistry, you can have multiple procedures done in one visit. It is an easy way to catch up on years of skipped dental appointments.

If you feel you or a loved one can benefit from sedation dentistry, talk to your dentist. Then contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we bring hospital level sedation to your dentist office. Never compromise on safety.