Does the thought of going to the dentist give you that sinking feeling in the bottom of your stomach? Do You have a loved one who has a disability or medical issue making almost impossible to get them the vital oral health care they need? You are not alone!

Fear can happen for a number of different reasons. If fear of the dentist manifest and it can create serious health problems.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone, according to Life Hack,

“Studies estimate that 1 in 10 adults experience a strong fear of dentists. Their fears are so strong that they actually avoid dentist visits. Dentist Dr. Jeremy Rourke, with over 25 years of experience, said in an interview: “Unfortunately, dental-phobia is something we see lead [to] thousands of dollars worth of care annually that could have been avoided if people came in more often.”

“If you experience fear or anxiety when faced with the idea of going to the dentist, there’s good news for you. You can tackle the fear head-on for the benefit of your health.”

Knowledge is Power

Understanding the procedures is power.  Knowing what to expect, why it is happening, how long will it take, and will you have to come back for another appointment, can help alleviate some of the anxiety. Ask the dentist about the treatment and research it on-line. It may not be as bad as you think.

Consider Sedation Dentistry

More and more patients are turning to IV sedation dentistry to overcome their fear. If you would just rather not deal with the whole process and have several procedures done at one time, this is a great solution.

It is vital for your health to face your fears about the dentist and overcome them for the sake of your health.

Want to Know More

Contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates to learn more about IV Sedation Dentistry. It is a safe and easy way to achieve healthy teeth and gums and the smile you’ve always wanted. We are dedicated to making dental care as easy as possible!