We all want healthy teeth and gums, but dental anxiety is an obstacle for many of us. If it’s been a while since your last dentist appointment, modern dentistry provides a few solutions for relaxing in the dental chair. IV sedation has definitely been a game changer for many children and adults.

What is IV sedation dentistry?

According to Colgate, IV sedation is a great way to find peace of mind in the dental chair.

IV sedation dentistry works as a form of conscious sedation to help you feel relaxed during your appointment. This method does not put you fully to sleep, but it does make you less aware of your surroundings — including anything the dentist may or may not be doing to your mouth. That means you can still respond to verbal commands or gentle nudging, and you should not need help breathing. Unlike other forms of sedation that are inhaled (like nitrous oxide) or taken in pill form, the dentist administers the sedation intravenously, which means through your vein.

Why IV Sedation?

IV sedation involves a sedative to be administered through a vein. This allows the medication to work quickly. A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) is able to adjust the level of sedation needed for the patient. Reducing the side effects and risks of complications. Though you will have little memory of the visit, you will be able to communicate with the dentist throughout the procedure. For the highest level of safety, a CRNA will monitor all your vital signs and breathing.

The Benefits of IV Sedation for Your Next Dental Visit

Works Quickly: Instead of waiting for your mouth to get numb or oral sedatives to kick in, IV sedation begins to work immediately.

Several Procedures in One Visit: You can easily catch up on years of missed dental appointments in just one visit!

Gag Reflex is Diminished: Those with a sensitive gag reflex know it is almost impossible to make it through a dental appointment.  IV sedation suppresses that reflex.

Quicker Recovery Time: Typically, patients have an shorter and easier recovery time with IV sedation, compared to general anesthesia or oral sedation

A Healthy Smile with Less Pain and Anxiety

You are in great hands at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we bring hospital level sedation to your dental office. Contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates for more information.  We are proud to partner with dentist throughout New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine