Dental anxiety is more common than you may think. Typically, caused a painful or bad experience at the dentist in the past. For others, it could be difficult sitting still for an extended period of time (especially children), a strong gag reflex, or the sights and sounds that make it unbearable to go to the dentist!

If your oral health is suffering because you keep making excuses not to go to the dentist, then IV sedation may be for you.  Just imagine, your next dental is pain and stress free!

Here are just a few reasons why so many people are turning to IV sedation for their dental appointments.

It helps dental appointments go by much faster

It’s the top reasons why so many people, adults and children, are choosing IV sedation, the appointment will fly by.  You will feel extremely relaxed and comfortable, many people say they feel like they are asleep. Next thing you will know, everything is over. You won’t even remember much, if any of the appointment.  Who doesn’t want that?

You won’t even mind going to the dentist.

If you dread and have anxiety about going to the dentist, IV sedation can change all those feelings. Once you experience IV sedation for your dental treatments, you may start feeling more relaxed and even comfortable about going to the dentist

Get more procedures on one appointment

If you’ve missed a few dental appointments, them you may need more than one procedure. IV sedation allows you to have several treatments in one appointment. Not only will you save a ton of time, you will feel relieved to get all your procedures finished. Since the dentist won’t have to stop to give you breaks or worry if you are in too much pain, the dentist can concentrate on your procedure.

Check back with us next week for more reasons why so many people are turning to IV sedation to get their dental work done. Until then, contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Solutions.