Dental visits are associated with pain and anxiety, but this can be easily managed with a dental anesthesiologist. There are quite a few fields within dentistry, one of which is an anesthesiologist. They help manage pain and anxiety during dental treatment.

What does a dental anesthesiologist do?

A dental anesthesiologist are specialists who work with dentists to help manage pain and anxiety.

How do they manage pain?

Unfortunately, many people experience anxiety during dental treatments, for a variety of reasons. And no matter what type of procedure you have, it usually involves pain. A dental anesthesiologist helps patients manage this pain and anxiety.

It could by the thought of pain that brings on the anxiety, it could also be the sounds and sights, sitting still in the dental chair, or the lights. What every it may be, a dental anesthesiologist can help.

During a dental procedure, an anesthesiologist manages the pain and anxiety by administering IV sedation. This way the patient remains completely relaxed during the entire appointment, they won’t even remember much of the treatment, if any. The dentist can safely complete the procedure without having to worry about the patient moving or being in pain.

The anesthesiologist administers the medication and also monitors all the patient’s vital signs and breathing throughout the appointment.

An added bonus, you can have several treatments done in one appointment. Allowing you to catch up on years of missed trips to the dentist in just one visit!

Are you ready to have a comfortable trip to the dentist?

IV sedation can give you peace of mind and the confidence to experience the dentist in a whole new way. A variety of sedative medications have been specially developed just for this purpose. They have been rigorously tested and researched, with a very long safety record. They also have an “amnesic” property, which means you will remember very little, if anything, of the appointment.

If you have any concerns or questions, reach out to our highly trained anesthesiologist at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates. We work with dentist throughout New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts.  We will gladly go over everything with you.