So many adults and children have dental anxiety that keeps them from getting the oral health care they need. If you have an upcoming dental procedure and feel anxious and nervous about it, then contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates. We can come to your New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, or Massachusetts, dental office to administer safe IV sedation.

IV sedation makes dental visits more comfortable and relaxing.

Dental fear and anxiety can be caused by a variety of reasons. Perhaps you don’t like the sounds and sights of the dental office, or you had an unpleasant dental experience as a child. No matter why you have dental anxiety, it is very real.

How can IV dental sedation help with your anxiety?

Intravenous (IV) sedation is safe when a qualified medical professional is administering the medication. It can help with the following:

Severe dental fear and anxiety

A low tolerance for pain

Difficult time sitting in the dental chair for an extended period of time

Sensitive gag reflex

Extensive dental work or several procedures

With IV sedation, you can rest peacefully while you are having all your dental work taken care of. You won’t feel any pain, or even remember much (if any) of the appointment. When the procedures are finished, you will wake from your dream like state.

Adult and children with mobility issues or physical limitations can have a difficult time sitting in the dental chair for an extended period of time. The necessity for several visits can significantly impact the situations.

Many times laughing gas and oral sedation aren’t enough for those with disabilities or severe anxiety of the dentist. If this sounds like you or your loved one, contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates to learn more about IV Sedation Dentistry. It is a safe and easy way to achieve healthy teeth and gums and the smile you’ve always wanted. We are dedicated to making dental care as easy as possible!