If you’ve ever taken your child to the dentist and felt their anxiety and fear, you know how hard it can be. You would do anything to take their fears away. Well, now there is something you can do! IV sedation can make going to the dentist a breeze for your child. Intravenous sedation can keep your child safe and calm.

It is vital for children have proper dental care for a healthy teeth and gums, it is equally important they don’t feel severe anxiety or fear while they are having a dental procedure.

Safe and effective. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association endorse sedation as an effective choice to allow patients a comfortable and positive experience.

Dental Anxiety is Very Common Among Children

A proactive approach to a lifetime of good dental health care is developing positive childhood memories. If a child is excessively worried or fearful of going to the dentist, over time these feelings can worsen, resulting avoiding the dentist all together as an adult.

Pediatric dentistry has made significant strides, but children with a sensitive gag reflex, have difficulty keeping their mouth open for the length of the procedure, difficulty remaining still, or have needs, can make receiving dental treatments difficult. IV sedation is a great option for a child to receive quality dental care without compromising their level of comfort or negative memories associated with the dentist.

IV sedation is administered intravenously, unlike general anesthesia, it does not impair the child’s breathing ability and is custom to their specific needs. A highly trained anesthesia provider will be monitoring every breath and heartbeat during the procedure, as well as, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation.

Blue Sky Solutions follow very strict FDA procedural protocols and guidelines to ensure the highest quality care.  Each treatment is specifically tailored for each patient, which means they only receive the necessary amount of medication needed to ensure they are comfortable throughout the dental procedure.

If you feel your child could benefit from sedation dentistry, we encourage you to contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates and schedule an appointment.