It used to be, if you had anxiety about going to the dentist you only had two choices. You could try and get through the appointment or avoid going to the dentist at all cost. Unfortunately, the latter does more harm than good, but for some people their anxiety and fear left have left them no choice.

Fortunately, there is IV sedation dentistry to help both adults and children stay relaxed and calm during the appointment. Enabling you to get the dental care you need.

Understanding sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves medication administered intravenously. The patient will be awake the entire time and able to answer any questions the dentist may ask, but you will be relaxed, calm, and not in any pain. Perfect for those who aren’t able to sit still through dental procedures, have phobias, on certain medications, or disabilities.

Benefits of sedation dentistry

Fewer dental problems

A single unpleasant dental experience is all it takes to stir up anxiety and fear every time you visit the dentist. IV sedation prevents more trauma from happening and helps manage past mental scars. In fact, you won’t remember much of the appointment, if any.

So, if you haven’t been to the dentist in a while because of fear and anxiety, you are putting yourself in danger for developing serious oral health issues. The longer you avoid your dental appointment, the more risk you are for having dental and health related issues.

Much less stress

Dental anxiety means missed dental appointments. It will take many appointments to get everything done. IV sedation allows you to catch up with all those missed office visits.

The longer you put off those dental appointments, the more anxiety and fear build up. It can be almost paralyzing. But dental sedation can take all this away.

Easier appointments

When you have fear and anxiety, it can be difficult for the dentist to examine, clean, and perform procedures. IV sedation makes it easy and safer for the dentist to do any treatment because the patient won’t have any issues keeping their mouth open, sitting still in the chair, or stopping because of anxiety.

Millions of people all over the world experience dental anxiety, or worse, dental fear. Here at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we have partnered with some of the top rated dentists in the New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont areas.

We offer a solution to manage your fear and anxiety, and provide you with the best dental and sedation care available. Simply put, sedation dentistry is a way to minimize and/or eliminate the pain and distress associated with some dental care.