IV sedation has helped many adults and children get the dental care they need. Whether it is fear and anxiety, special needs, a disability, or a child who can’t sit still in the dental chair, IV sedation has proven to be very effective and safe when administered by a professional third party, such as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

According to the Anesthesiologists Society, Both deep sedation or general anesthesia using an IV should be administered only by qualified anesthesia providers.

“The risk is small but there’s always a risk when you sedate a child, primarily of airway obstruction, where the child — for whatever reason — becomes oversedated,” said Dr. Joseph P. Cravero, a senior associate in perioperative anesthesia at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Understanding IV Sedation For Dental Work

According to an article in the New York Times, IV sedation makes dental patients more cooperative and less anxious, but it is important to know the benefits, as well as the risks.

Moderate sedation, also known as “conscious” sedation, requires more vigilance than minimal sedation, such as laughing gas, because children could slip from moderate to deep sedation, which means they can’t necessarily maintain their own airway. For moderate sedation, dentists should have rescue drugs on hand and monitor oxygen levels and heart rate. In addition, the American Society of Anesthesiologists recommends “a qualified individual” other than the dentist monitor the patient, because it “reduces risk of adverse events,” said Dr. Jeffrey S. Plagenhoef, the society’s president

If you are considering IV sedation for a dental procedure for yourself, child, or loved one, it is important to know all the facts.

With safety in mind, experts recommend having a nurse anesthetist perform the sedation, while the dentist performs the dental procedure. “Many medical experts say it’s unsafe for dentists to administer anesthesia in kids while also doing dental work.” NBC.

At Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, our expectations are high and yours should be too when choosing to have sedation for your dental procedure. You deserve to have individual attention and an experienced nurse anesthetist providing your sedation whose only concern is monitoring you.

We follow the strict American Dental Association guidelines and protocols throughout the procedure. We are passionate about helping New Hampshire residence, including the cities of Barrington, Dover, Concord, Amherst, receive the dental care they need.

Contact Blue Sky Solutions for more information and to make an appointment.