Is it time you improved your dental health? It is easy to put off going to the dentist, we all do it. Whether you are an adult, a child, or a loved one with special needs, going to the dentist is stressful. 

You are not alone! Here at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we understand how frightening it can be to go the the dentist. Which is why specialize in helping to keep patients calm, so they can get the oral health care they need. 

The High Cost Of Putting Off Oral Health Care

The typical dental emergencies occur because routine dental appointments are skipped. Do you go to the dentist twice a year for an examination? If not, small problems go undetected. Which ends up becoming bigger problems if not fixed. Which ends up becoming painful and expensive! For some, even these routine appointments can be too much. 

Our goal at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates is to bring hospital-level sedation to your dentist’s office. Our top priority is patient safety and satisfaction because we care for you, like we would our family. We do this by following the highest standards.

Recently the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry endorsed new guidelines to improve the safety of pediatric patients. Along with the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Society for Pediatric Anesthesia, American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists and Society for Pediatric Sedation, according to a publication in the American Academy of Pediatrics, “which recommends at least two individuals with specific training and credentials should be present with a pediatric patient receiving deep sedation/general anesthesia for dental treatment.”

“According to the new recommendations, sedation must be administered by a qualified anesthesia provider (a medical anesthesiologist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, dentist anesthesiologist or second oral surgeon). In addition, a second person must be present and have the skills to assist in an emergency, with the ability to monitor the patient, manage the airway, establish venous access for the administration of rescue medications and perform resuscitation. The second person must be an independent observer with no other responsibilities.

Just imagine not feeling any anxiety about going to the dentist. Stress free and relaxed during the procedure. Being able to sit in the dental chair for a long period of time without any discomfort. The dentist will be able to perform several treatments at the same visit. Which means no need for multiple appointments, less trips saves you time.

Nothing should get in the way of getting the oral health care you need. If you are interested in pain and anxiety free dentistry, contact Blue Sky Solutions.