IV sedation for dental procedures has helped thousands of people get the oral health care they need. So, if the sound of the drill leaves you nauseated, the slurping noise of the suction hose makes your heart beat rapidly, or you or a loved one has a medical condition or disability that makes sitting in the dental chair almost impossible, then IV sedation may be a great option.

Having IV sedation means patients won’t feel any discomfort or pain during the dental treatment. It allows the patient to be responsive while in a deeply relaxed state.

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one with dental anxiety. It is estimated that at least 15% of Americans admit to experiencing some type of phobia during a dental appointment.

IV Sedation, What is it exactly?

IV sedation or intravenous sedation, though many people think it means being put to sleep, the patient is really in a state of deep relaxation. They will still be able to comply with requests and answer any questions from the dentist. Though you remain conscious, you will feel completely relaxed and won’t remember anything. It is kind of like temporarily turning off the memory faculty in your brain.

When can IV sedation be used?

Generally, sedation dentistry can be used by just about anyone. It is particularly helpful for children, special needs patients, and those with dental anxiety. It is also a great tool for those with a severe gag reflex, extremely sensitive teeth, or if you’ve had a traumatizing dental experience.

But is IV sedation Safe?

To ensure the highest level of safety, have a Certified, Registered and Licensed Nurse Anesthetist administer IV sedation and monitor your vitals, while the dentist can concentrate on the dental procedures.

At Blue Sky Solutions, we bring hospital-level sedation to your dentist office. Our #1 goal is patient safety and satisfaction because we care for you, like we would our family. We partner with dentists throughout New Hampshire, Salem, Bedford, Amherst, Barrington, Concord, Dover, Nashua, and Rochester.

Contact Blue Sky Solutions for more information and to make an appointment.