For many people just the thought of going to the dentist makes them panic stricken. For others, it may be a disability or medical condition, keeping them from making that important dental appointment.

It is normal to feel some sort of anxiety when going to the dentist, but if your fear is keeping you from your appointment, IV sedation may be the solution.

“Even if the patient has been avoiding the dentist for years, just a couple of IV sedation appointments will put the patient on the fast track to healthy gums and teeth,” according to World Dental.

Good oral health is important for great smile, healthy teeth and gums, and also the overall well being of our body, but many of our patients are concerned about the safety of IV sedation.

“The fact is that IV sedation has been successfully used on millions of patients over the past 30 years. The statistics associated with IV sedation dentistry have determined that it is actually safer than local anesthetic, and because the sedatives are administered by a dental professional who has had special training, the patient should have absolutely nothing to be concerned about,” World Dental goes on to say. “There are numerous advantages of IV sedation dentistry especially for patients who have a high level of fear and anxiety with regard to their dental visits.”

You can always count on Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates for your sedation dentistry needs in New Hampshire for a practically pain free dental experience.

As a Certified Registereed Nurse Anesthetist, Dwayne Thibeault has over 20 years experience. Feel free to call anytime with questions about your sedation. It is our goal to create a personalized and individual sedation plan. Dwayne Thibeault is an active member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA) and the New Hampshire Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NHANA).