Start the New Year off right with a trip to the dentist. Even if you or your loved one has been putting it off for years, safe IV sedation makes it easy to get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted! 

If you are considering IV sedation for a dental procedure for yourself, child, or loved one, it is important to know all the facts.

With safety in mind, experts recommend having a nurse anesthetist perform the sedation, while the dentist performs the dental procedure. “Many medical experts say it’s unsafe for dentists to administer anesthesia in kids while also doing dental work.” NBC.

“Dentistry is a precise science that uses a high speed drill,” Dr. Joel Weaver, a emeritus professor of the Ohio State University Medical Center told the Today Show. “That requires that someone hold still or some tooth structure that’s not decayed could get drilled. When there is multiple and massive decay, the child requires some form of conscious sedation or some form of general anesthesia.”

The American Dental Association suggested asking these questions before your child or loved one undergoes a dental procedure using any type of sedation.

Who will provide the preoperative evaluation of my child?
How long should my child be without food or drink prior to the procedure?
Will any sedation medication be given to my child before the procedure, if so, how should they be monitored?
What training/experience does the sedation/anesthesia provider have? Does it meet the standards of the ADA Guidelines?
Does the staff have training in emergency resuscitation procedures? Is training regularly renewed?
Does the state dental board recommend a special sedation/anesthesia permit for it to be administered in the dental office?

What to ask during the procedure

What level of sedation or anesthesia will be given to my child?
Are the appropriate medications & equipment immediately available if needed?

What to ask after the procedure

Will the sedation/anesthesia provider give me instructions & emergency contact information if there are concerns or complications?

At Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we bring hospital-level sedation to your dentist’s office. Our #1 goal is patient safety and satisfaction because we care for you, like we would our family.

Our expectations are high and yours should be too when choosing to have sedation for your dental procedure. You deserve to have individual attention and an experienced nurse anesthetist providing your sedation whose only concern is monitoring you or your loved one.

Contact Blue Sky Solutions for an appointment and more information.