Many children feel apprehensive or anxious when they go to the dentist. That’s why IV sedation dentistry has become so popular. It allows younger patients to receive the dental care they need in a comfortable and relaxed environment. 

“The goals of sedation in the pediatric patient for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are as follows: (1) to guard the patient’s safety and welfare; (2) to minimize physical discomfort and pain; (3) to control anxiety, minimize psychological trauma, and maximize the potential for amnesia; (4) to modify behavior and/or movement so as to allow the safe completion of the procedure; and (5) to return the patient to a state in which discharge from medical/dental supervision is safe, as determined by recognized criteria,” The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 

Commonly asked questions about IV sedation dentistry 

Will my child feel anything during the procedure?

The patient will feel very little to nothing at all during treatment. Medication will be administered  through the IV to help decrease pain, inflammation, and nausea for approximately four or more hours after you leave the office.

Will my child be unconscious during the IV sedation dentistry?

While your child will be in a deep state of relaxation, they will be responsive and conscious the entire time.

Who is a good candidate for IV sedation for dentistry?

Those with disabilities or special needs
Children or adults who cannot sit for a long period of time
If they have very sensitive teeth or a bad gag reflex
Need many dental procedures done at one time
Those with anxiety or a phobia about going to the dentist

How long will it take for the sedation to wear off?

Pediatric patients may be groggy for 3-4 hours after the procedure and want to take a nap when they get home but most are back to their normal self within 24 hours

Safety First

Blue Sky Solutions Group follows the strict American Dental Association guidelines and protocols throughout the procedure. Prior to your appointment, Certified, Registered and Licensed Nurse Anesthesiologist Dwayne Thibeault will work closely with you to determine the best course of treatment and answer any questions.

Contact Blue Sky Solutions for more information and to make an appointment.