Why choose a dentist who partners with a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist? Most people avoid going to the dentist at all costs. it’s called Dental Phobia, it is a real problem that is very serious. If this sounds like you or a loved one, you may want to consider IV sedation for your next dental appointment.

Instead of feeling anxious or stressed next time you go to the dentist, make sure you partner with Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

Alert But Relaxed

IV sedation allows an adult or child to maintain a deep state of relaxation, but able to respond to any questions the dentist or staff may ask.

Quickly Takes Effect

Just sitting in the dental chair can get most people’s heart racing. The quicker the whole thing is over, the better. The fast acting effects of IV sedation means the calming medication starts immediately, quickly relaxing all your nerves.

More Control

With a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), the level of medication administered is controlled. Ensuring the safest delivery of only the desired level of medication, making it very effective, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

More Treatments In One Appointment

Don’t worry if you or a loved one needs several treatments, it can all be done in one appointment. So, all those years of neglecting your teeth, can all be erased. This is great for those who with special needs, disabilities, or can’t sit for an extended period of time. Check out our affiliated dentists. 

Quick Recovery

Good news, those who undergo IV sedation have less nausea than general anesthesia. Recovery time is quicker than you would expect and less downtime, though you will have to have someone else drive you home.

The best benefit of IV sedation is better improved oral health. If you’ve skipped one too many dental visits, IV sedation is an excellent solution. Contact Blue Sky Solutions for more information.