In the last decade, we’ve come to realize how essential dental health is to our overall well-being. But there are still quite a few myths surrounding oral health care that continue to fuel people’s anxiety.
Myth #1 it isn’t necessary to have routine dental check-ups or cleanings
This is a big misconception. Dental check-ups, x-rays, and cleanings significantly reduce your risk of developing dental caries (cavities), gum disease, and other issues. Finding small issues with your teeth and gums before they become big ones, can save a lot of issues down the road.
Myth #2 Dental Health does not affect your overall health
This couldn’t be further from the truth! Dangerous inflammation in your mouth, from cavities and gum disease, spreads throughout your body. Researchers have found links between a number of medical problems associated with oral health issues. A few of these include:
Heart disease
Pregnancy complications
Oral cancer
Myth #3 dental work and shots always hurt
This myth keeps many adults and children from getting the oral health care they need. Modern dentistry has led way to pain free procedures.
Just imagine not feeling any anxiety about going to the dentist. Stress free and relaxed during the procedure. Being able to sit in the dental chair for a long period of time without any discomfort. The dentist will be able to perform several treatments at the same visit. Which means no need for multiple appointments, less trips saves you time. IV sedation makes this all possible!
No more listening to metal scraping my teeth or the sound of the drill. Wake up refreshed and relieved that you have finally achieved good oral health
With IV sedation your treatment will go smoothly. The intravenous nature means you will be fully relaxed throughout your dental treatment. Patients will have little to any memory of the procedures or the pain or discomfort.
Parents and caregivers of special needs or a disabled child, know getting quality dental care can be a challenge. There is no need to put your loved one through a taxing situation or unnecessary distress for an extraction or root canal, even a cleaning. Sedation dentistry has been playing a major role in helping improve the dental experience for many people, old and young alike.