Regular dental appointments is crucial for both adults and children, but for many reasons, typically anxiety and fear, make people avoid the dentist, at all costs.

The team at Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, understands the emotions, but letting decay and oral damage go untreated can not only be painful, they can be detrimental to your health.

Which is why we create a comfortable environment at your dentist appointment. Reducing anxiety and fear, allowing you or your loved one to get the oral health care needed.

IV sedation allows patients to truly relax in the dental chair and let go of any negative emotions.

Is IV dental sedation safe?

IV sedation allows you to experience a deeper level of relaxation. Time will seem like it flies by, you won’t even remember much if any of the procedure.

Having a trained and experienced third party administer the sedation has been proven to be safer than the single operator model.

Over the past several years the ‘Single Operator Model of Sedation’, where the dentist simultaneously performs both the anesthesia and the dental work has come under intense scrutiny, especially for pediatrics. Many professionals are saying this type of practice is unsafe and has lead to many medical disasters. Some areas have evened banned single operator anesthesia.

The third party, typically a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), not only administers the medication, they also monitor your heart rate, vital signs, and your breathing. They have all the necessary education required to administer IV dental sedation safely.

To ensure the highest level of safety, have a CRNA administer IV sedation and monitor your vitals, while the dentist can concentrate on the dental procedures.

What does IV dental sedation feel like?

While IV sedation feels a little different for everyone, gives you a very deep feeling of relaxation and euphoric. You may even feel like you are sleep, but you will be able to answer any questions the dentist has. Before you even realize, the appointment will be over.

At Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we bring hospital-level sedation to your dentist office. Our #1 goal is patient safety and satisfaction because we care for you, like we would our family.