Don’t let your fear of going to the dentist get the best of you or a loved one. It could be a disability that makes it difficult to sit in the dental chair or a traumatic experience when you were young, but avoiding those appointments can cause your oral health to suffer.

Blue Sky Solutions has teamed up with dentist throughout New Hampshire, to bring safe, hospital level IV sedation to allow patients to jump over their hurdle of dental anxiety and get the dental care they need.

If you are afraid or feel uneasy about going to the dentist, don’t worry you’re not alone.

“Dental anxiety and phobia are extremely common. It has been estimated that 9% to 15% of Americans avoid seeing the dentist because of anxiety and fear. That’s about 30 million to 40 million people. To avoid it, they’ll put up with gum infections (periodontal disease), pain, or even broken and unsightly teeth,” according to Colgate.

There are many common causes of dental anxiety

Pain. The most common reason why most adults don’t visit their dentist regularly is fear of pain. Typically stemming from a traumatic or stressful dental situation as a child. IV sedation is a popular and safe way to have pain free dental procedures.

That feeling of helplessness. Many people experience anxiety when they feel a loss of control or helplessness. Sitting in the dental chair, not being able to move, sights and sounds of the drill, and not being able to really see what is going on, can put them over the edge.

Embarrassment. Having strangers look in your mouth, especially if you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, can make many people feel embarrassed or ashamed. Having someone so close to your face and putting instruments and fingers in your mouth can make anyone uncomfortable.

Having any type of disability or medical issue can amplify the problem.

Don’t let anything get in your way of good oral health, contact Blue Sky Solutions for more information on pain free dentistry.

We are proud to be partnering with Dr. Charles Burliss in Salem NH and Dr. Nicholas Rizos in Bedford NH, as well as Dentist in Amherst, Barrington, Concord, Dover, Nashua, and Rochester, New Hampshire.