If fear and anxiety is keeping you or a loved one from going to the dentist, sedation dentistry can help. For many people, they endure the pain of a toothache and possible infection rather than going to the dentist.

Unfortunately, dental anxiety and fear are very common. IV sedation dentistry helps adults and children get the oral health care they need, comfortably, without any added anxiety or fear that is associated with going to the dentist.

If you are afraid or feel uneasy about going to the dentist, don’t worry you’re not alone.

“Dental anxiety and phobia are extremely common. It has been estimated that 9% to 15% of Americans avoid seeing the dentist because of anxiety and fear. That’s about 30 million to 40 million people. To avoid it, they’ll put up with gum infections (periodontal disease), pain, or even broken and unsightly teeth,” according to Colgate.

Different levels of dental sedation

Depending on the patient’s comfort level and length of the procedure, there are different types of sedation. Inhalation sedation is a mild form of dental sedation, this is when the dentist puts a mask over your nose and ask you to breathe it in, making you drowsy from the oxygen and nitrous oxide. Often times, this is not enough for most people. Especially, if they have fear or anxiety.

A stronger form of dental sedation is intravenous sedation. This is when a qualified third party administers medication through a very small needle in the vein, either in your hand or arm. This allows the patient to feel very comfortable and relaxed, creating an environment where you are less aware of the dental surroundings, but still able to respond to any questions the dentist may ask.

A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) is necessary to monitor the patient’s breathing and vital signs, during and after the procedure. This allows the dentist to concentrate on the procedure

How to overcome your fear of the Dentist

Overcoming your fear of the dentist is a lot easier to say than it is to do. Which is why Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates brings hospital level IV sedation to your dentist office. You won’t feel any pain or discomfort, all your anxiety disappears. Allowing the dentist to perform several procedures in one appointment, which means you won’t have to have multiple visits.