Take it from someone who knows, avoiding going to the densities has serious consequences. But those who have anxiety, fear, and a phobia of the dentist, it can be too overwhelming to overcome.

It could be sitting still for an extended period of time, a disability, the sights, sounds or smells of the dentist office.

What is IV Sedation?

IV sedation is a trusted and safe method of sedation when administered by Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). A sedation medication takes effect in just minutes because it is administered intravenously. It will put you in a deep state of relaxation and very drowsy. Emotions such as anxiety and stress will disappear. You will be able to breathe on your own and remain conscious during the entire procedure.

Is IV sedation Dentistry Right for you?

Sedation dentistry creates a very relaxed and comfortable environment, which makes it a great option for many people. If you feel:

Feel fearful or anxious about dental procedures

You need to have extensive dental treatments

You want to get multiple procedures done in one dental appointment

Have sensitive teeth or gums

You suffer from a very strong gag reflex

You have trouble getting or staying numb for dental work

Understanding Dental Phobia

If you experience anxiety or fear when going to the dentist, you are not alone. If your heart races, you start to sweat, or have visible distress, leading up to your dental appointment, it could be a phobia. Especially if you find it difficult or almost impossible to undergo dental procedures, then sedation can help.

There are a number of reasons why someone may experience dental anxiety. From a previous traumatic dental experience or health care issues. Unfortunately, not having oral health care issues taking care of in a timely manner can result in complex treatments and emergencies.

IV sedation can help make your next dental appointment a positive experience, contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates for more information.