Many adults in the New Hampshire, Amherst, Concord, Barrington, and Dover, find it difficult to go to the dentist. For patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s a trip to the dentist can be especially frightful, becoming disorientated or a lucid moment can make procedures difficult. While other seniors with arthritis, failing joints, or medical conditions may have a difficult time sitting in the dental chair for a prolong period of time.

Our teeth and gums are affected by the natural aging process. Cognitive impairment can make routine brushing and flossing difficult. Side effects from medications can have significant consequences on oral health.

Adults are Faced with Several Dental Health Problems

Normal wear and tear over 60 some years takes a toll on our teeth and gums. “Dental caries (tooth decay) remains the most prevalent chronic disease in seniors, even though it is largely preventable.” according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial research.

Gum recession and disease are especially problematic for seniors. It can result in tooth decay, loss, infection, and pain.

“More than 35 million Americans do not have any teeth, and 178 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth. These numbers are expected to grow in the next two decades,” according to research done by the American College of Prosthodontist. “Consequences of missing teeth include significant nutritional changes, obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and some forms of cancer.”

The National Cancer Institute warns, Oral cancer kills one person in American every hour of every day.

Older Americans have special needs when it comes to oral health care. Many of them have severe anxiety when it comes to the dentist. While others may have a disability or medical situation that can make going to the dentist difficult. Sedation dentistry is a safe and easy way to receive the necessary dental care.

If your a senior or caretaker, the specially trained Anesthetist will provide IV sedation using an individually tailored combination of medications that are selected based on your individual needs.

Contact Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates to make an appointment or with any questions.