Safe Dental Sedation for New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts

Most dentist today use local anesthesia to numb the affected area before doing a procedure on their patient. Unfortunately, there is more than just the physical pain of going to the dentist. There is also the emotions, nervousness, fear, and anxiety that go along with many dental appointments. Many of us choose to avoid the [...]

2022-05-17T09:07:43-04:00May 17th, 2022|

Safe Dental Sedation Brought To Your New Hampshire Dentist

In last week’s blog we discussed why so many people are turning to IV sedation to have their dental work done. There are many more reasons to consider IV sedation for your next dental appointment Get more done in one appointment If you are like most people who dread going to the dentist and put [...]

2022-05-08T09:57:43-04:00May 8th, 2022|

How Sedation Can Help You Get The Dental Care You Need

If you have a difficult time getting your child or loved one to go to the dentist, IV sedation can help. At Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we go to your dentist office to safely administer IV sedation. There are many reasons why a patient can’t sit through a dental appointment. Young children often have a [...]

2022-05-01T10:59:13-04:00May 1st, 2022|

Safe Dental Sedation for New Hampshire, Maine & Vermont

Long dental appointments can be difficult for both the patient and the dentist. These procedures take precision and concentration on the part of the dentist, yet it is difficult for anyone to sit still for an extended period of time, especially if you have dental anxiety. The solution, IV sedation IV sedation involves sedating medicine [...]

2022-04-25T08:15:12-04:00April 25th, 2022|

Do You Need A CRNA To Administer Your Dental Sedation?

There are a number of adults and children in the New Hampshire area that don’t visit the dentist for necessary treatments or checkups because they dental anxiety. IV sedation is a great way to provide an anxiety free and safe dental experience. Mistakenly, sedation dentistry is thought to induce sleep, but the fact is, these [...]

2022-04-18T13:33:07-04:00April 18th, 2022|

Why Consider IV Sedation For Your Next Dentist Appointment  

Dental anxiety and fear are fairly common. Typically it is caused by a painful or unpleasant experiences in past dental appointments. Others have trouble sitting still for an extended period of time or an exceptionally strong gag reflex, which can make dental treatments unbearable. If you make up excuses, either for yourself or loved one, [...]

2022-04-11T10:17:27-04:00April 10th, 2022|

Safe IV Sedation Brought To Your New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts

How long has it been since you or a loved one been to the dentist? Most people put off going to the dentist because they have feelings of anxiety and fear. Either finding out you need several procedures or knowing you need them and can't face it. If this is how you feel, don't worry, [...]

2022-04-01T09:26:17-04:00April 1st, 2022|

How Dental Sedation Can Improve Your Child’s Health

It is important for children to learn healthy dental care habits at an early age. This way they will have better oral health and stronger teeth when they get older. IV dental sedation has help reduce the anxiety and fear children have of the dentist. Giving them a pleasant dental experience, without any pain and [...]

2022-03-25T08:16:25-04:00March 25th, 2022|

Dental Anesthesia For New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts

Why are so many dentists in New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts, choosing to use a sedation service to come into their office? Not only will it reduce referrals, it will allow the dentist to focus solely on the dental treatments, without having to think about anesthetic management. Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates  will take care of [...]

2022-03-17T10:23:01-04:00March 17th, 2022|

Is New Hampshire Sedation Dentistry Right For You?

For many of us, the thought of going to the dentist is upsetting and provokes feelings of anxiety. Which is why we put off seeking treatment for dental concerns. That is until the pain becomes too much, which has damaging effects on a person’s overall health. Dental Sedation is the solution IV sedation allows children [...]

2022-03-09T08:16:16-05:00March 9th, 2022|
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