Sedation Dentistry has helped many patients in New Hampshire. As a highly regarded nurse anesthetist, Blue Sky Solutions partners with some of the top rated dentist in cities such as, Barrington, Concord, Amherst, and Dover, to minimize and even eliminate stress and pain associated with going to the dentist. At Blue Sky Solutions, we work with each patient individually to create a sedation plan specifically tailored to their needs, to ensure they achieve a state of peace and tranquilly in a safe environment.

To help explore more about IV sedation, here are a few frequently asked questions.

Who is a good candidate for IV sedation?

Many people, both adults and children, avoid going to the dentist because they have severe anxiety, fear, panic attacks, or a phobia of the dentist. While others may have a disability such as down syndrome or autism, a strong gag reflex, sensitive teeth, need a lot of dental procedures, or even a previous traumatic dental experience, prevent them from receiving proper oral health care are good candidates for IV sedation.

What will I feel during my dental procedure?

Patients do not feel any discomfort or pain during the dental treatment. It allows the patient to be responsive while in a deeply relaxed state. Patients wake up not even realizing the procedure is finished and don’t remember any of it. Someone else will need to drive you home, but you will leave the office in a great mood.

Is IV sedation safe?

Having a certified nurse anesthetist administer IV sedation and monitor your vitals, while the dentist performs the procedure allows for a safe and effective way to receive dental care. Blue Sky Solutions Group follows the strict American Dental Association guidelines and protocols throughout the procedure. Prior to your appointment, Certified, registered and licensed Nurse Anesthetist Dwayne Thibeault will work closely with you to determine the best course of treatment. As an active member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA), the New Hampshire Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NHANA), and 20 plus years of experience, all you questions will be answered.

“I believe having a nurse anesthetist you can call and talk to anytime, with any question about your sedation, creates the personal and individual care that healthcare lacks today. It is my passion and commitment to provide sedation that is customized to your specific needs and to help all of my patients overcome the fear and anxiety of their dental visit. By having a meaningful one-on-one conversation, I get to know you and your concerns allowing me to determine the best-tailored sedation plan for you.” Dwayne Thibeault CRNA

Contact Blue Sky Solutions for more information and to make an appointment.