Does the thought of going to the dentist make you tense with anxiety? There are many adults and children who avoid going to the dentist at all cost just because of the way it makes them feel.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to get around this feeling of dread and anxiety, one of which is IV sedation. If you are contemplating sedation dentistry, you may have a few questions, such as these.

Is IV sedation safe for dentistry?

The answer is yes, when it is administered by a third party Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). Not only will an experienced CRNA administer the medication, they will also, closely monitor all your vitals, heart rate, oxygen levels, breathing, and blood pressure, throughout the procedure and while in recovery.  Before the procedure, a thorough review of all your current medications and medical history, to ensure there aren’t any interactions.

What does IV sedation feel like?

Once the medication is administered, either in the back of the hand or in your arm, it takes effect immediately. You will feel euphoric, relaxed, and an overall sense of well being. You may even feel like you fell asleep, but you won’t be all the asleep, you will be able to answer any questions the dentists ask. As a result, time will seem like it passes very quickly. Which also why IV sedation is great for multiple procedures

How long will IV sedation last? 

You may feel lingering drowsiness after the procedure, which may last most of the day. So, you will need someone to drive you home. You also want to avoid operating or driving have machinery for 24 hours after the procedure.

Is IV sedation covered by insurance?

This depends on the type of insurance policy you have. Typically, if you need multiple procedures, or a disability, autism, Parkinson’s, or cerebral palsy, your insurance may cover the cost. Every policy is unique, so it is important to contact them a specific plan.