There is a lot of conversation about IV sedation in dentistry situations. Understanding the facts about receiving sedation for you or a loved one will help ensure quality and safe oral health care.

IV sedation dentistry allows patients with anxieties, disabilities and special needs such as, autism, downs syndrome, or those who have trouble sitting through a routine dental appointment, to catch up on all dental treatments in just one appointment.

It is important to be informed and ask questions before the dental procedure. IV sedation is very safe when supervised by a qualified and trained nurse anesthetist.

According to the King’s College Hospital IV sedation has four main effects:

• It will reduce your anxiety and make you feel relaxed.
• It will make you feel sleepy.
• It will make you unaware of the procedure.
• It will result in partial – or total loss of memory of the procedure.

Dr. Fred Guerra with Guerra Dental told News 5 “In our office we use a certified licensed clinical nurse anesthetist, and the benefits of that for me, is it allows me to focus solely on the dentistry the quality of the dentistry that I’m doing.  The nurse anesthetist solely monitors the safety of the patient.”

At Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates, we understand you may feel apprehensive or anxious about receiving IV sedation for your dental work. We personally customize each patient sedation plan to ensure the highest level of safety and effectiveness.

There are several things you should know before receiving IV sedation. We also encourage you to contact Blue Sky Solutions with any questions you may have.

An important fact to understand is while during the procedure. The patient will still be conscious and responsive, but you will not remember much, if any, of the treatment, they will be in a deep state of relaxation.

Though the sedation will quickly wear off after the appointment, you will need someone to drive you home after.