If you, your child, or loved one is scared, nervous, or have overwhelming anxiety about going to the dentist, then IV sedation can help.

Fear of going to the dentist is very common for both adults and children. But that doesn’t mean you have to avoid the dentist and endure the pain or try and deal with all the anxiety.

You can work with your dentist, by having an Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, CRNA, comes in to administer IV sedation to help overcome all your fears. Just imagine, you won’t feel any pain, anxiety, or even remember much of the appointment at all.

How can IV sedation dentistry help you?

Blue Sky Anesthesia Associates offers solutions to help both adults and children who struggle with dental fear or anxiety. Or those who feel nervous about going to their dental appointment. It can also help those with:

Feel anxiety at the sound of a drill or thought of shots in your mouth.

Have a pattern of canceling or not showing up for their dental appointments because of anxiety.

Avoid dental cleaning or routine appointments due to dental phobia

Have a low pain threshold or sensitive gag reflex

Have a disability or special needs that make it difficult to sit in the dental chair.

What is IV Sedation?

Intravenous sedation is a moderate sedation, used for both adults and children. A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), administers medication directly into the bloodstream of the patient. The level of sedation is specifically tailored to the patient by the CRNA and can be adjusted at any time. They also monitor all the vital signs and breathing, while the dentist concentrates solely on the procedures.

This is a preferred choice for those with extreme anxiety because the patient typically does not remember the appointment and feel as though they slept right the entire procedure. Patients will need a driver to transport them back home.

Imagine, a dental procedure that may take hours, feel like it just took a few minutes to complete. Instead of multiple appointments for adults and children who require complex dental treatments, a smile makeover, or those who have dental anxiety, everything can be performed in just one visit with the help from a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.