For many people going to the dentist can be dreadful. Whether it is for themselves or a loved one, the sights, sounds, and pain, can be too much to handle. In last week’s blog we talked about how the help of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) can make your next dental appointment relaxed and pain free.

With any procedure, safety is a big issue, even in dentistry. So, the question that arises is, Can’t the dentist administer the anesthesia and do the procedure?

In many states this is still an acceptable practice, but it is under much scrutiny. It is called a ‘single operator model’. It’s when a dentist who performs dental procedures and patient sedation simultaneously.

You would definitely question a doctor performing your procedure and doing the anesthesia at the same time. Doing both at the same time can easily lead to complications.

“The single operator anesthesia model is accepted nowhere in medicine, but exists only in dentistry,” Paula Whiteman, representing the American Academy of Pediatrics of California.

As an ongoing commitment to safety and protecting the public, many medical professionals as well as parents are calling for tougher standards and to suspend this form of single operator model for sedation because of the danger to children and has resulted in several deaths.

Blue Sky Solutions brings hospital level sedation to your dental office. Safely taking away all the anxiety and pain from your dental appointment.

What Can You Expect From Blue Sky Solutions?

With over 20 years of experience, Dwayne Thibeault is a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), an  Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), as well as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). He personally speaks with each patient or caregiver to go over the patient’s history and go over any questions you may have. Then he customizes a plan that is tailored to the patient. He is there every step of the way, from before the procedure, during, and after. He even calls each of his patients later that day to ensure they are doing well.

You’re are in good hands with Blue Sky Solutions, contact us for more information and to make an appointment.